Corbin Fisher – ACM2791 – Marco Owns Noah

Marco sure has surprised me quite a bit over the last year or so. When we first met him, I just assumed we’d likely never see him in guy/guy action – he expressly stated he wasn’t interested, and never expressed a remote interest in doing it.
As we’ve all seen since Marco’s first appearance on CF, things have most definitely changed! Marco’s taken to guy/guy action like a champ, and it’s clear he thoroughly enjoys it. It’s also clear there was some longstanding interest in it on his part – he was definitely curious about it and his initial refusal wasn’t so much about being entirely opposed as it was him still making up his mind whether he wanted to do it on camera for us I think.
Marco was ready to go to town on a tight hole and relentlessly work over an eager, submissive bottom. Cue Noah!
Strap yourself in, because you’re about to see Marco wreck Noah (in a good way!)!